Configuration overview

This section provides an overview of all the possible configuration blocks in the SWARM_ROOT/data/config.php file. Click on any link in the configuration overview below to see a detailed description of that configurable.


While the syntax of this example is correct, it includes configuration values that cannot work. Ensure that you adjust the configuration appropriately for your Swarm installation before using this example in testing or production.


If you make a configuration change, Swarm will not use it until the configuration cache has been reloaded, this forces Swarm to use the new configuration. You must be an admin or super user to reload the Swarm config cache. Navigate to the User id dropdown menu, select System Information, click the Cache Info tab, and click the Reload Configuration button.

return array(
'activity' => array(
'ignored_users' => array(
'archives' => array(
'max_input_size' => 512 * 1024 * 1024, // 512M (in bytes)
'archive_timeout' => 1800, // 30 minutes
'compression_level' => 1, // 0-9
'cache_lifetime' => 60 * 60 * 24, // 1 day
'avatars' => array(
'http_url' => '{hash}?s={size}&d={default}',
'https_url' => '{hash}?s={size}&d={default}',
'comments' => array(
'notification_delay_time' => 1800, //Default to 30 minutes 1800 seconds
'threading' => array(
'max_depth' => 4, // default depth 4, to disable comment threading set to 0
'depot_storage' => array(
'base_path' => '//depot_name',
'diffs' => array(
'max_diffs' => 1500, ),
'environment' => array(
'mode' => 'production',
'hostname' => 'myswarm.hostname',
'external_url' => null,
'base_url' => null,
'logout_url' => null, // defaults to null
'vendor' => array(
'emoji_path' => 'vendor/gemoji/images',
'files' => array(
'max_size' => 1048576,
'download_timeout' => 1800, 'allow_edits' => true, // default is true
), 'groups' => array( 'super_only' => true, // default value is false ), 'http_client_options' => array(
'timeout' => 10, // default value is 10 seconds 'sslcapath' => '', // path to the SSL certificate directory 'sslcert' => '', // the path to a PEM-encoded SSL certificate 'sslpassphrase' => '', // the passphrase for the SSL certificate file
'hosts' => array(), // optional, per-host overrides. Host as key, array options as values ), 'jira' => array( 'host' => '', // URL for your installed Jira web interface (start with https:// or http://) 'api_host' => '', // URL for Jira API access, 'host' is used for Jira API access if 'api_host' is not set
'user' => '', // Jira Cloud: the username used to connect to your Atlassian account // Jira on-premises: the username required for Jira API access 'password' => '', // Jira Cloud: a special API token, obtained from // Jira on-premises: the password required for Jira API access
'job_field' => '', // optional, if P4DTG is replicating Jira issue IDs to a job field, list that field here 'link_to_jobs' => false, // set to true to enable Perforce job links in Jira, P4DTG, and job_field required 'delay_job_links' => 60, // delay in seconds, defaults to 60 seconds 'relationship' => '', // Jira subsection name links are added to defaults to empty, links added to the "links to" subsection ), 'linkify' => array( 'word_length_limit' => 2048, // limit on the number of characters which a text to be linkified can have 'target' => '_self', // opens the URL in the same tab or a new tab, defaults to '_self'. To open the URL in a new tab, set to '_blank' 'markdown' => array( array( 'id' => 'jobs', 'regex' => '', // the regular expression used to match the job keyword, default is empty 'url' => '', // url that matching job numbers are appended to, default is empty ), ), ), 'log' => array(
'priority' => 3, // 7 for max, defaults to 3
'reference_id' => false // defaults to false
'mail' => array(
// 'recipients' => array('user@my.domain'),
'notify_self' => false,
'transport' => array(
'host' => '',
'markdown' => array(
'markdown' => 'safe', // default is 'safe' 'disabled'|'safe'|'unsafe'
), 'mentions' => array( 'mode' => 'global', 'user_exclude_list' => array('super', 'swarm-admin'), 'group_exclude_list' => array('testers', 'writers'), // defaults to empty ), 'menu_helpers' => array( 'MyMenu01' => array( // A short recognizable name for the menu item 'id' => 'custom01', // A unique id for the menu item. If not included in the array, parent array name is used. 'enabled' => true, // When set to true, the menu item is visible. Defaults to true if not included in the array. 'target' => '/module/MyMenuItem/', // The URL or custom module route a menu click takes you to. // If not included in array, id is used. If id not included, parent array name is used. 'cssClass' => 'custom_menu', // The custom CSS class name added to the menu item, appended to in Swarm CSS 'title' => 'MyMenuItem', // The text that will be shown on the button. // If not included in array, id is used. If id not included, parent array name is used. 'class' => '', // If not included in array or empty, the menu item is added to the main menu. // To add the menu item to the project menu for all of the projects, set to '\Projects\Menu\Helper\ProjectContextMenuHelper' 'priority' => 155, // The position the menu item is displayed at in the menu. // If not included in the array, the menu item is placed at the bottom of the menu. 'roles' => null, // null|'authenticated'|'admin'|'super' // If not included in the array, null is the default. // Specifies the minimum level of Perforce user that can see the menu item. // 'authenticated' = any authorized user, null = unauthenticated users ), ), 'notifications' => array(
'honor_p4_reviews' => false,
'opt_in_review_path' => '//depot/swarm',
'disable_change_emails' => false,
'p4' => array(
'port' => 'my-helix-core-server:1666',
'user' => 'admin_userid',
'password' => 'admin user ticket or password',
'sso' => 'disabled', // 'disabled'|'optional'|'enabled' // default value is 'disabled' 'proxy_mode' => true, // defaults to true
'slow_command_logging' => array(
10 => array('print', 'shelve', 'submit', 'sync', 'unshelve'),
'max_changelist_files' => 1000,
'auto_register_url' => true,
'projects' => array(
'mainlines' => array(
'stable', 'release', // 'main', 'mainline', 'master', and 'trunk' are hardcoded, there is no need to add them to the array
'add_admin_only' => false,
'add_groups_only' => array(),
'edit_name_admin_only' => false,
'edit_branches_admin_only' => false,
'readme_mode' => 'enabled',
'fetch' => array('maximum' => 0), // defaults to 0 (disabled)
'allow_view_settings' => false, // defaults to false
), 'queue' => array( 'workers' => 3, // defaults to 3 'worker_lifetime' => 595, // defaults to 10 minutes (less 5 seconds) 'worker_task_timeout' => 1800, // defaults to 30 minutes 'worker_memory_limit' => '1G', // defaults to 1 gigabyte ), 'redis' => array( 'options' => array( 'password' => null, // Defaults to null 'namespace' => 'Swarm', 'server' => array( 'host' => 'localhost', // Defaults to 'localhost' or enter your Redis server hostname 'port' => '7379', // Defaults to '7379' or enter your Redis server port ), ), 'items_batch_size' => 100000, 'check_integrity' => '03:00', // Defaults to '03:00' Use one of the following options: //'HH:ii' (24 hour format with leading zeros), the time the integrity check starts each day // positive integer, the time between integrity checks in seconds. '0' = integrity check disabled 'population_lock_timeout' => 300, // Timeout for initial cache population. Defaults to 300 seconds. ), 'reviews' => array(
'patterns' => array(
'octothorpe' => array( // #review or #review-1234 with surrounding whitespace/eol
'regex' => '/(?P<pre>(?:\s|^)\(?)\#(?P<keyword>review|append|replace)(?:-(?P<id>[0-9]+))?(?P<post>[.,!?:;)]*(?=\s|$))/i',
'spec' => '%pre%#%keyword%-%id%%post%',
'insert' => "%description%\n\n#review-%id%",
'strip' => '/^\s*\#(review|append|replace)(-[0-9]+)?(\s+|$)|(\s+|^)\#(review|append|replace)(-[0-9]+)?\s*$/i',
'leading-square' => array( // [review] or [review-1234] at start
'regex' => '/^(?P<pre>\s*)\[(?P<keyword>review|append|replace)(?:-(?P<id>[0-9]+))?\](?P<post>\s*)/i',
'spec' => '%pre%[%keyword%-%id%]%post%',
), 'trailing-square' => array( // [review] or [review-1234] at end
'regex' => '/(?P<pre>\s*)\[(?P<keyword>review|append|replace)(?:-(?P<id>[0-9]+))?\](?P<post>\s*)?$/i',
'spec' => '%pre%[%keyword%-%id%]%post%',
'filters' => array( 'filter-max' => 15,
'result_sorting' => true,
'date_field' => 'updated', // 'created' displays and sorts by created date, 'updated' displays and sorts by last updated
), 'cleanup' => array( 'mode' => 'user', // auto - follow default, user - present checkbox(with default)
'default' => false, // clean up pending changelists on commit
'reopenFiles' => false, // re-open any opened files into the default changelist
), 'statistics' => array( 'complexity' => array( 'calculation' => 'default', // 'default|disabled' 'high' => 300, 'low' => 30 ), ), 'allow_author_change' => true, 'allow_author_obliterate' => false, 'commit_credit_author' => true, 'commit_timeout' => 1800, // 30 minutes 'disable_approve_when_tasks_open' => false,
'disable_commit' => true,
'disable_self_approve' => false,
'end_states' => array('archived', 'rejected', 'approved:commit'), 'expand_all_file_limit' => 10, 'expand_group_reviewers' => false,
'ignored_users' => array(),
'max_secondary_navigation_items' => 6, // defaults to 6
'moderator_approval' => 'any', // 'any|each'
'more_context_lines' => 10, // defaults to 10 lines 'process_shelf_delete_when' => array(), 'sync_descriptions' => true, 'unapprove_modified' => true,
'search' => array(
'maxlocktime' => 5000, // 5 seconds, in milliseconds
'p4_search_host' => '', // optional URL to Helix Search Tool
'security' => array(
'disable_system_info' => false,
'email_restricted_changes' => false,
'emulate_ip_protections' => false, // defaults to false
'https_port' => null,
'https_strict' => false,
'https_strict_redirect' => true,
'require_login' => true, 'prevent_login' => array( 'service_user1', 'service_user2', ),
'session' => array(
'cookie_lifetime' => 0, // lifetime in seconds, default value is 0=expire when browser closed
'remembered_cookie_lifetime' => 60*60*24*30, // lifetime in seconds, default value is 30 days 'user_login_status_cache' => 10, // Set in seconds, default value is 10 seconds. // Set to 0 to disable the cache and make Swarm // check the user login status for every call to Helix Server.
'gc_maxlifetime' => 60*60*24*30, // lifetime in seconds, default value is 30 days
'gc_divisor' => 100, // 100 user requests
'short_links' => array(
'hostname' => '',
'external_url' => '',
), 'slack' => array( 'token' => 'TOKEN', 'project_channels' => array( 'myproject' => array('myproject-channel',), //The Swarm project name must be in lower case letters. //For project 'myproject' the slack notification //will go into the Slack channel 'myproject-channel'. ), 'summary_file_names' => false, //Attaches the file to the original notification message sent to a Slack channel. 'bypass_restricted_changelist' => false, //Allows Swarm to post notification messages to a Slack channel when a change is committed //or a review is created for a restricted changelist, default value is false. 'summary_file_limit' => 10, //Limits the number of files shown in the original notification message sent to a Slack channel, default value is 10. 'user' => array( 'enabled' => true, //Forces the Swarm app to use the custom username, overrides the Swarm app details. 'name' => 'Helix Swarm', //This is the username shown in the Slack channel when a notification is posted. 'icon' => 'URL', //This is the avatar icon shown in the Slack channel //when a notification is posted, overrides the avatar set in the Swarm app. 'force_user_header' => false, //The Slack notification shows the username and avatar only for the first post by a user, default value is false. ), ), 'tag_processor' => array( 'tags' => array( 'wip' => '/(^|\s)+#wip($|\s)+/i' ), ), 'test_definitions' => array(
'project_and_branch_separator' => ':',
), 'translator' => array( 'detect_locale' => true, 'locale' => array("en_GB", "en_US"), 'translation_file_patterns' => array(), 'non_utf8_encodings' => array('sjis', 'euc-jp', 'windows-1252'), 'utf8_convert' => true, ),
'upgrade' => array(
'status_refresh_interval' => 10, //Refresh page every 10 seconds
'batch_size' => 1000, //Fetch 1000 reviews to lower memory usage
), 'users' => array( 'dashboard_refresh_interval' => 300000, //Default 300000 milliseconds 'display_fullname' => true, 'settings' => array( 'review_preferences' => array( 'show_comments_in_files' => true, 'view_diffs_side_by_side' => true, 'show_space_and_new_line_characters' => false, 'ignore_whitespace' => false, ), 'time_preferences' => array( 'display' => 'Timeago', // Default to 'Timeago' but can be set to 'Timestamp' ), ), ), 'workflow' => array( 'enabled' => true, // Switches the workflow feature on. Default is true ), 'xhprof' => array( 'slow_time' => 3, 'ignored_routes' => array('download', 'imagick', 'libreoffice', 'worker'), ), 'saml' => array(...), // This configurable will be removed from Swarm in a later release. );

The Swarm configuration file does not include PHP's standard closing tag (?>). This is intentional as it prevents unintentional whitespace from being introduced into Swarm's output, which would interfere with Swarm's ability to control HTTP headers. Debugging problems that result from unintentional whitespace can be challenging, since the resulting behavior and error messages often appear to be misleading.